Organizational Behavior

In the past month there were posts by other bloggers regarding how they organize their collections. This (finally) inspired me to finish a couple organization projects that definitely needed completing.

I like to keep all my Twins collection in binders…D-ring binders. My preference is the Heavy Duty 1-½” binders that can be found at your local Office Depot. A little over a year ago I began a mission to replace all of my non Ultra-Pro pages as well; still not quite there yet.

I try to keep the binders as close to full as possible, so that the pages stand fairly flat. I’ve also adjusted between years so that they are “load-balanced” and don’t get too full.

Kudos to Wrigley Wax for inspiring me to (finally) add end labels to the binders so that I can tell which binder I’m looking for. And I found that cutting off the edges of a full-page sleeve will yield very nice protectors for the edge labels so that the ink/toner doesn’t end up sticking to the inside edges of the binder windows.

I’ve subdivided the major brands a bit to allow for a better fit: from Topps I’ve separated out the Bowman and Allen & Ginter, for instance. Besides the standard brands, I also have many smaller binders for cards like Classic, unlicensed, food-issue, Panini, etc.

So, if you’re needing a New Year’s resolution in a couple weeks…

4 responses to “Organizational Behavior

  1. I’ve been working on something similar for my Brewers team sets for a while now. One of these days I’ll be caught up!!!

  2. This looks like a great system for sorting out speeding tickets as well. I don’t know if I should go by state, ticket cost, or mph over the posted limit?

  3. Dang, Looks great. Makes me want to do something with mine.

    I have a single binder for each year (well almost) with all the different brands in the buinder. Most of mine are 3″ binders or larger so I’m contemplating gluing a top loader to the spine and just placing a card from that year on the outside of the binder.

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